NDF Biosciences


NDF Biosciences Ltd has a range of non-toxic, long-lasting, environmental friendly products which include NDF-Bio 75™ and related products (NDF-Pro 5000 ™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™).

NDF-Bio75™ is non-toxic, long lasting and contains no alcohol which is significant for Islamic countries. The product is 99.25% water based and as such has no leaching effect on the environment. The unique feature is its long lasting efficacy; after application and allowed to dry it does not wash off, even with regular cleaning. NDF-Bio 75™ is effective against bacteria, mould, fungi, algae and a range of significant viruses.

You can now order NDF-Bio75™ online. Visit our online orders page for more information.

We are also now on Linkedin and Facebook, so follow our pages to stay up to date with how our products can keep you safe against germs.

Tis the season to be vigilant

The Christmas and New Year season is upon us and for many, it means the rush to shop, plan the holidays, meeting up with family and friends. However, there is a difference to this year’s festive season. We are in the midst of an ongoing pandemic with COVID-19 still plaguing many parts of the world.

While enjoying this festive season, it is important keep you and your family and friends safe from the virus- you can do so by using our antimicrobial products, NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ everyday on your hands and on all high touch points around your home or on transportation. Don't forget to apply it on your personal devices such as your smart phone as these are high touch areas and susceptible to contamination. Spraying our products on your face mask is also a must for being protected against germs.

NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ are non-toxic, long-lasting and alcohol-free antimicrobials. It is safe for use on adults, children and even pets and can be applied by spraying, wiping or fogging onto clean surfaces and leaving to dry. This will enable a microbiostatic layer of protection which can kill bacteria, mould, fungi and a significant range of viruses including the human coronavirus, without the use of any chemical intervention.

From all of us at NDF Biosciences- have a safe and jolly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!